Chloé Dygert wins the first match of the World Track Championship

The restart of the athlete guarantees victory in the competition

Since her terrible accident in 2020 in which she injured her leg, Chloé Dygert had not yet resumed her routine and won the competitions she had already participated in. However, last Thursday (03), the cyclist showed an excellent performance and won the individual match at the World Track Championship, in Glasgow – United Kingdom, which is happening until the 13th of August.

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The accident that happened in Imola, Italy, while participating in the same competition, caused the athlete to roll over into a metal barrier, cutting her left thigh, and for her recovery, it was necessary to undergo three different surgeries in addition to taking a break. in your routine.

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“I’m very grateful, I’m very happy to be on that top step. Hearing that hymn just brought chills to my body. The journey has been very difficult, there have been many ups and downs. There has been a lot of inconsistency, there have been more injuries than the leg, I had Epstein-Barr and I had heart surgery,” said Chloé Dygert.

The athlete recognized that her victory could inspire the chance to compete at the Olympics next year, in Paris: “It has been a lot to overcome, and I am very grateful to have not only the physical capacity, but also the mental capacity to overcome setbacks. I hate to say it, but to be completely honest with myself, I know I’m not 100%. But it also gives me hope for the Olympics, because the Olympics are the ultimate goal for me.”

In the midst of the World Championship competitions, which take place at the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, around 70 workers together with the Unite Union in the region have communicated that they are on strike for 48 hours. The main reason for the stoppage is the request for better working conditions and salary increase.

“Unite fully supports its members who are leading the fight for better jobs, wages and conditions across local government. We will be with them every step of the way to ensure they get what they deserve,” said Unite Scotland Industrial Officer Graham McNab.

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