Short Track (XCC) could be added as a new Olympic sport in the coming years

David Lappartient reinforces new cycling categories and encourages anti-doping policies

The UCI president also declared that he considers cycling to be an anti-doping sport and that he will invest in policies that favor the investigation of these cases (Photo: Instagram)

After assuming the new direction of the International Cycling Union (UCI) in 2017, David Lappartient said during an interview with the newspaper Inside The Games that he intends to include the Short Track (XCC), short track mountain bike, mixed relay and flat BMX modalities as an Olympic model. The president also suggested medals for the e-sports category.

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In the interview, Lappartient said that the more momentum the modalities have, the better it will be for collection and consequently the inclusion of new disciplines, “the more categories we have, the better it will be for our sport”. Furthermore, he stated that the priority now for the UCI is to maintain the current Olympic disciplines.

The UCI president also declared that he considers cycling to be an anti-doping sport and that he will invest in policies that favor the investigation of these cases, “we decided this year to increase by 25% the budget allocated to anti-doping for next year, which for us is 10 million Swiss francs ($10.6 million), which is huge, no one else in the world is spending the same level of financial investment.”

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