Sanne Cant returns to racing after Paris Roubaix crash

The athlete received around 60 stitches on her face

“I am happy and relieved that my career is not over and that I can show myself again in Roubaix next year”. (Photo: Instagram)

During the competition in Paris Roubaix, France, at the beginning of April, Sanne Cant was present at the pileup in the cobblestone sector at Pont-Thibault à Ennevelin, which caused injuries and serious injuries to the face, requiring him to go to the emergency room and undergo operations. After two weeks of recovery, the cyclist says she is ready to get back to her routine.

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“The wounds were 5mm away from my eye. For all we know, I must have stopped cycling because of the eye injury. The surgeon placed the stitches carefully and close together, so it wasn’t too bad, thankfully. I could have given up cycling for the rest of my life, so in that light I didn’t mind doing nothing for two weeks”.

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“I am happy and relieved that my career is not over and that I can show myself again in Roubaix next year. Now I’m getting ready for June, where I’ll race at Dwars door in Westhoek, at the Baloise Belgium Tour and at the Belgian Championship, the most important race”, concluded Sanne Cant, excited about the next stages of the sport.

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