Previously, there were some rumors that Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez were going through a marriage crisis, indicating that the player would not be recognizing his current wife due to the stardom of the businesswoman with her series “Soy Georgina”, available on streamings.
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However, in an interview with the newspaper Correio da Manhã, Dolores Aveiro, mother of Cristiano Ronaldo, denied the information that was released in the media and reported that “it’s all a lie. All couples argue, so this is all a lie”.
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Rumors related to the crisis became more intense when the program “Telecinco” revealed that the mother-in-law was to blame for the various fights and that “she never wanted them to get married or have children. She told her son that she didn’t want her at home and that’s why Cristiano doesn’t take Georgina to his mother’s house, only the children”. In the face of controversy, the couple did not comment on the news.
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